grofi - group finance

A picture of a man and a woman high fiving while sat at a desk with business papers

For a little bit now I've been working on a project that has been sitting in the back of my mind for a long time. Having been a student, I've experienced the annoyances that can come with living a communal lifestyle and sharing costs. A lot of power users and IT people will always jump to the first and easiest thing available: spreadsheet software. After having lived a year with a massive house spreadsheet that detailed thousands of pounds worth of transactions I decided I'd rather not let my money be sacrificed to some elder god of accidental data loss, he's taken far too much from me already.

My solution to this conundrum: an application that acts as accounting software with the primary intent of keeping tabs on multi-user (or multi-spender, if you will) financial environments with support for paying back bills at regular intervals, hooking banking APIs into automated transactions and more. Stay up to date on this post as I keep working on the project!